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Ongoing Health CV-19 Health Safety Protocols

I heard it said that a few years from now you’ll pull a coat out of your closet, and when you put it on you’ll find a mask in the pocket… and you’ll remark to yourself… “Wow, those were weird years?” Right?!

These certainly have been crazy times, transforming how we work, how we feel about touching things–including each other, and how we feel about breathing in someone else’s air. We have navigated a world-wide pandemic, developed protocols for cleaning things, leaned into purifying our air, and social distanced through the ever-changing mandates in our communities, and our jobs. We’ve had discussions about vaccines with friends and family, when we may have never done so in the past. We decided what felt right for us and our families, and tried to be accepting of everyone’s right to choose for themselves as well.

As a manual therapist, and health care provider I have been navigating these murky waters to help you (and me) stay healthy.

Here is what we are doing:

  • I mask and ask clients to mask, until the mandate for Health Care Facilities changes

  • I am using a HEPA filter during sessions, and using the turbo filter feature to filter the room between clients.

  • I am changing out all the linens between each client

  • Washing and drying linens on hot

  • I sanitize the face cradle

  • Wiping high contact surfaces between every client

  • Taking Temperatures of every client, and myself (this just seems smart)

  • Asking clients that have cold symptoms to reschedule appointments

Your health and the health of your family are important to me. After the shift to lift mask restrictions for health care facilities I will continue to:

  • Clean and sanitize in these ways listed above.

  • Take temperatures

  • Use the air filtration system

  • I may continue to mask, particularly when you are face up on the table

  • Ask clients with cold symptoms to reschedule

For the record, we are double vaccinated, and boostered---in case you want to know for sure. What you choose for yourself, is absolutely fine with us.

Stay Healthy!

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Monika Adams  ~   Alchemy Wellness

Wellness Coaching  | Somatic Healing | BEMER Therapy     


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