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Today I am grateful to be in Bloom.

365 Days of Wonderful – Day 116

Today I am grateful to be in Bloom. Being in your Fifties is a honest trip. You’ve been around the block, you know what you like, and don’t like. You are old enough to know better… and young enough to do it again. You are wise enough to stand up for yourself. You care enough to speak out. You are passionate, creative, and seasoned. This is a beautiful time of life–it feels like being in Bloom.

I am grateful for the reminders, of everything blossoming in its own time, in its own way. The dogwood trees, the rhodys, the camellia, the peony–each are beautiful, unique, vibrant… and not one of them has told to to keep their blossoms to themselves.

Let the flowers be a reminder–if you feel like blooming… Bloom Baby Bloom! Bloom in your time. Bloom in your way. Bloom in the sun, or the shade, in the woods, or out in the open. Bloom where you are planted. Bloom your heart out. Bloom for all to see. Bloom–even if no one is looking.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Out heart is our compass–calibrate it by following your desires and it will lead you to your soul’s destiny. There will be times that others may think you are crazy, your family may not understand, you might be laughed at… But in the end–some time from now, it will all make sense. The pieces will all come together–like when you stare at the magic eye images and can not see anything–and then voila, it shifts! Believe in YOU and take empowered action–even small steps–1% action every day creates positive forward momentum.

Have the courage–and BLOOM. ___________________ 365 Days of Wonderful, a daily gratitude practice, for re-framing life with a slant toward the positive.

Thanks for tuning in!

May you be blessed with things that bring you Joy. And may you seek out ways to nurture your relationship with yourself and the planet. This is an incredible journey. Love is the keystone. Listen to your heart, and do more of what makes you supremely happy.

I am a Wellness Coach and Life Coach. I believe with all my heart that we are meant to have lives that we LOVE. IF you are inspired, I’d love to connect. Like, comment, share. Like my business page, visit my website. I am here for you–like the Fairy Godmother of Joy. What do you want more of?!

Many Blessings ______________ Individual Inquiry: Are you feeling the call to Bloom? Can you calibrate your heart by following what brings you joy? are you tuned into Law of Attraction? If you get what you focus on–what have you been focusing on? IF you are not getting what you want, there may be one small piece that is out of alignment… you might benefit connecting with a Life Coach.

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Monika Adams  ~   Alchemy Wellness

Wellness Coaching  | Somatic Healing | BEMER Therapy     


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