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Hand Gesture

 I am passionate about helping people feel better - inside & out.  




Welcome to Wellness

What is Alchemy?

Alchemy is the ancient art & study of transformation.

I love this as a starting place, a metaphor, an analogy...  

Ancient Alchemists:

  • Studied the Transmutation of Matter

  • Aimed to turn Metals (Life's Challenges) into Gold

  • Sought the Universal Elixir of Optimal Health

  • All forms of matter are expressed as a trinity of Body, Mind, & Soul

Monika Adams | Empowerment Coaching

Monika Adams, M.Ed.

Transformational Life Coach

Licensed Manual Therapist



The Work I Do

I advocate becoming Awake, Embodied, Present and Empowered.  I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist/CranioSacral Therapist since 2008. I started coaching in 2017--because I wanted to help people heal on the inside, quash limiting beliefs, and rewire their mindset--so that they get more of what they say they want.     

As a CranioSacral Therapist, the work I do feels sacred. There is an intelligence in the body that informs my hands.  I strive to meet the tissue where it is at, and offer presence and witnessing to what you are carrying. Often I get intuitive hits that may include words, images, or seeing diagonal lines of tension.  I listen with my hands, and follow what your body presents. I may ask permission to make noise on your behalf--by sighing, expressing emotion, or toning.  


My work is informed by mindfulness, gratitude, and presence.  My skillset  includes transformational life coaching, hands on techniques, energy work, and sound healing. Here's a short list of things I've studied:

  • Transformational Coaching

  • NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Visioning / Shamanic Practices

  • CranioSacral Therapy

  • Visceral Manipulation / Motility
  • SomatoEmotional Release / Dialoging

  • Healing from the Core / Somatic Experiencing

  • Toning / Sound Healing

  • Reiki I & II / Energy Work

  • Therapeutic Massage

  • Myofascial Release

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Jostling

  • Acupressure

  • Polarity / Reciprocal Techniques

How Do You Feel?  


In a Rut?  At a Crossroads?

Many women have spent their lives caring for others.
Many have experienced trauma--physical and emotional.  
We have all had heart ache, loss, illness, and disappointment.
We have been silenced, marginalized, and sexualized.  
Often we get to a cross roads in our lives--where we wake up. 
Once we are awake--we are unwilling to ever fall asleep again. 


  • You are at a turning point, and major life transition...

  • You don't even know what you want, or how you feel

  • You've recently experienced a life or health crisis

  • You are trying to change negative patterns of behavior & reactions

  • You want to learn to rewire your destructive thoughts

  • You want to quell your harsh inner critic


Maybe you are at a crossroads and that has you rethinking everything... and wondering how to get unstuck.

Life Transition Coaching

I coach people through challenging Life Transitions:

  • Mid & Late Life Crisis
  • Health Challenge

  • Death & Dying Transitions

  • Divorce / Relationship Change

  • Job Loss / or Awakening...Calling

Coaching can Help You:

  • Rewire your overwhelm.  

  • Learn to stop the negative spiral

  • Reframe limiting beliefs  

  • Repattern outdated behaviors

  • Get Unstuck

  • Find Your Voice

  • Own Your Power

Transform Your Life ~ For Good​

Monika Adams | Empowerment Coach

Let's have a

Heart to Heart.


I'd love to learn more about you, and your story. I'm happy to share resources and help you determine your next best steps to get you unstuck and empowered.

Schedule a free 30 minute 

Heart to Heart Clarity Call.  


What Clients Are Saying...



This isn't just coaching...  Monika has an amazing ability to listen to what I am saying and reflect it back to me in a profound way.  She helps me to get out of my crazy-making stress brain, and reconnect the pathway between my head and my heart. ~ Peggy C. 

"I used to be a glass half-empty person. Now I see that the glass is re-fillable! The biggest change I have noticed is that my self-talk is MUCH nicer.  When my self-talk is better, everything is better, and I am a better mom, and better communicator in all of my relationships. This has been great."

~ Ivy H.

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Life coaching helped me to not just set goals, but to attain them through smaller simple steps that were manageable and doable.  Monika was instrumental in helping me adjust my perspective to thinking in a more positive way with a positive outcome. It wasn’t learning how to be something I’m not, but how to embrace who I am and see myself in a positive light. Monika was instrumental in helping me adjust my perspective to thinking in a more positive way with a positive outcome. It wasn’t learning how to be something I’m not, but how to embrace who I am and see myself in a positive light. ~ Laura H.


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Monika has been my massage therapist for 12 years and I dread the thought of going anywhere else.  I have believed in the importance of massage therapy in my overall health regimen for over 20 years and have been treated by other therapists in many parts of the country. I consider Monika the best.  Her approach encompasses her broad training not only in pain relief and relaxation.  She is highly knowledgeable in nuitrition, healthy living and stress relieving techniques.  As a vital 76 year old woman I highly recommend her services as a way to live your most productive life no matter your age.  ~ Merry W.

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I have been a client of Monika's for years, and I have a standing appointment to see her every two weeks. Monika is attentive to the discomfort in my body that I am able to verbalize, and has an uncanny ability to find those spots that I didn't know needed attention. It's this ability that keeps me coming back, and has me recommending her to everyone I know. Monika is also very flexible with scheduling, and has worked with me numerous times to accommodate my schedule. Monika not only cares for my physical well being, but she also genuinely cares about me as a person, and makes me feel like a valued client. ~ Robert D.

Transform Your Mindset


Live Well & Thrive

Musings, Mindfulness & Wellness Solutions

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I never share or sell your information. 


Monika Adams  ~   Alchemy Wellness

Wellness Coaching  | Somatic Healing | BEMER Therapy     


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