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Today I am grateful for the Five Love Languages.

365 Days of Wonderful – Day 115

Today I am grateful for the Five Love Languages. I am grateful for the understand that it has brought me. I love sharing this book.

Things in my personal life are soaring–and I am so grateful for that. At the same time it is so challenging as I watch and listen to the struggles of others. I wish that I could help. I wish that I could change things. I wish that I could help everyone see how important these beautiful connections are. I wish that I could fix things, protect people–somehow right things. I know that the important thing is to witness, listen, be there.

Remember, we get what we focus on. What you focus on expands. That is basic Law of Attraction. IF you want different results, see if you can shift your attention. Focus on Gratitude. Focus on what you adore about your life, your relationship, your partner. Focus on the good. Try and spout off 10 good things you love–right now…

I LOVE: 1) I love my life. 2) I love my dog. 3) I love that I have a baby Junco in my yard. 4) I love my car. 5) I love my home. 6) I love my friends. 7) I love my hair. 8) I love my calling. 9) I love my gratitude practice. 10) I love that my lawn is freshly mowed! Well, OK half of my lawn is mowed. The other half is a bird sanctuary, while I wait for “Lucky” to take flight.

When we play the “What I Love” game, our spirits are bolstered, and our bonds are strengthened.

IF you are in a tough place in your relationship. I recommend the Five Love Languages. Truly–this is a book that should be taught in the 8th grade. We are not an island. We all have people in our lives that matter to us. We communicate with them, and interact with them. This book says that we each have a primary love language–the way that we feel loved. When we receive love in this way–it fills our love tank with the kind of gas that is right for us.

Most of us watched our parents, for clues on how to love one another. Most of us show love in ways similar to what they did or do. Often this is not our partner’s primary language. When we learn what our partner’s language is, and we learn to speak their language, our relationships transform. When someone’s needs are not getting met, relationships feel the strain. This is true in our relationships with our children, colleagues, and family members.

I have this book as an audio book, and I listen to it over and over. I recommend it several times a week. I’m not saying this is the end all be all–but is may be close. If you want to get back in sync with someone in your life, the information in this book is invaluable.

I admit, there are some people that are not able to connect with the idea of speaking anothers’ love language. Let me suggest that you can go to Greece, and not learn Greek. But when you try a few key phrases, the Greeks sure appreciate that you are making the effort. Besides–think of how well rounded you’ll become when you learn something new!

Here is a link to the Five Love Languages: Five Love Languages for Children: Five Love Languages for Teens:

_________________ 365 Days of Wonderful ~ A daily gratitude practice for re-framing life with a slant toward the positive.

I am a Wellness Coach, and a Transformational Life Coach. Thanks for tuning in. I help people clarify their purpose, figure out what gives them passion and meaning, and coach them toward making empowered action steps, while helping them identify what is stopping them, so they can get more of what they say they want.

I believe the necessary component is to listen to our hearts–like a well calibrated compass, and do more of what makes us happy–in order to transform our lives into something we LOVE. When we focus on making better wellness choices, and we begin to feel better–and every aspect of our lives transforms–for the better.

IF you are ready to make changes, willing to dig around in beliefs, and if you are ready to show up for yourself in a big way–then coaching may be right for you. IF this resonates with you–I offer a free 90 minute Empower Wonderful You Clarity Session, message Monika Adams for information or to schedule. ______________ Individual Inquiry: Can you acknowledge the people in your life that are important to you? Would you be interested in learning their Love Language? Would you be interested in learning yours?

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