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Day 28: Today I am grateful for the splendor of nature!

365 Days of Wonderful – Day 28

Today I am grateful for the splendor of nature! On my morning walk I was greeted by the Sugar Frosted Mountains! O boy that makes me want to shout HALLELUJAH!

There is something so MAGNIFICENT about the glory and splendor of mountains. I never tire of looking at them.

Then as I was cycling through my photos, I came across these magnificent cacti.. from my recent San Diego Trip. I love the pattern and texture, and symmetry.

When I was a young girl, we lived in So Cal… so being back there and looking at the trees and plants rockets me back in time to the textures of my youth. Trip and an half really.

I am grateful for the beauty and splendor of nature. The miracles are all around. Plant, Animal, Mineral, Clouds – O My!


365 Days of Wonderful – A Gratitude Practice for shifting the way that we think, and re-framing life with a slant toward the positive.

I invite you to dig into the Individual Inquiry, feel free to comment below, or investigate in your personal journal. Share, or tag a friend that you think may resonate with this message.

I’m a Transformational Life Coach. I advocate finding Joy, connecting to Purpose, Passion and Meaning, so that you Love the Life You Have, and Create a Life You LOVE. Feel inspired? Want to know more? I’d love to connect–feel free to message me, or visit my website.

Blessings. ______________ Individual Inquiry: Where do you connect to the magic and magnificence of life? Do you see the splendor of nature every day? I encourage you to slow down enough to see the flowers, plants, and bugs. Gasp at the Mountains! Celebrate Sunrises and Sunsets! Watch Astronomical Events!

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